Teen Pours Boiling Water On Girl For Unfriending Him On Facebook

A teen girl was attacked by a classmate with a pot of boiling water after she unfriended him on Facebook.
Times of India reports that the unnamed victim told police in a statement that the suspect came to her home in Muzaffarpur, India, saying that he was looking for a misplaced ID card. According to the 15-year-old girl, the man had been being tutored by her father and was a guest in their home often. Authorities have identified the suspect as Yudishsthir Yadav.
"I accepted his [Facebook] friend request a year ago because I found him decent then," she said in her statement. "But of late he had become abusive and so I 'unfriended' him last week."
When he arrived at their home last Wednesday, Yadav locked the girl and her mother in a room in the house and then began to boil a pot of water in the kitchen. He poured the water on the girl, resulting in burns to both her right cheek and neck. The suspect then fled the residence, and police are continuing their search for him. 
According to the Times, the girl decided to remove the boy from her Facebook friends list after she grew concerned about continuing her friendship with him.